This was a very exciting project for me!!!
Jo and Sean, managing director and creative director, at Smoke and Mirrors (this is where I work) asked me to come up with a christmas illustration and to paint it onto 2 adjacent corner walls in our big 2nd floor area for a big party.
It was a challenge since I had not done anything at this scale before. Thanks a bunch to Kayla, Catie, Wei and Jo for their great help!! The whole process took 5 days. Approximately 11 meters by 5 meters. Acrylic.
First pic is an early photoshop illustration on top of layered wall photos, I added some other characters/things during the actual painting . The rest of the photos is from the wall, I'll post better ones soon.
Canım Oglum,,,
Yine harikalar yaratmıssın,,
ilk defa bu boyutta bir calısma yaptıgını yazmıssın,,ya daha once yapmıs olsaydın !!!,,ne olacaktı merak ettimm....
Yalnız senden bir ricam var,,bu calısman burada kalmasın,,dekarasyon ve sanat mecmualarında gormek ıstıyorum calısmalarını ve adını....
cok optummmm...
Tesekkurler / Thanks !
I am hoping to do more of this kinda projects in future, it was lots of fun !
Bende optum anne .)
you have outdone yourself on this one dude! How did I miss this party? Amazing work! Congrats!!!
Thanks Eno!
Acayip basinc grafikleri gordum abi bu resmi yaparkene :)
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